I really am so bad at keeping up with our blog...maybe it is because I sit at a compute rall day that I dont really want to come home and download pictures...or because when I get off work I have just enough time to get home, make dinner, and take it to Dryw before his late route...I dont know...but I really am going to try and get better at it!
Since I posted last there have been a ton of things going on...(too many pictures so ill post a few.
Halloween: We pretty much dont do anything right now because we dont have kids and Dryw is usually working that night (unless it is Sunday).
Thanksgiving: We took a few days and went to St. George Utah to visit my Grandparents. They moved up there almost a year ago and we try to go as often as possible. They arent members so it is kind of funny that they ended up there...but we always have so much fun visiting them!! Dryw and I got a chance to ride one of the numerous mountain bike trails there, Bearclaw Poppy (I think was the name)...it was so much fun.
**Side note: Dryw has always been into bikes...Dirt bikes, BMX, Mountain...so he saw a really good deal on Craigslist and bought a mountain bike. He had a blast riding it. I would get so jelous that I couldnt go and I told him that I really liked riding bikes and I did it a ton when I was little, so he said we woulb borrow someones and I could see how I liked it. Our awesome friends, Bennet and Michelle, let us borrow her bike and I fell in love right away. Dryw finally gave in and bought me a bike and I LOVE it!! We try to ride as often as possible. Dryw has more time during the day to go so we usually try to ride at least once a week together. I have fallen a couple times and have some battle wounds but I still have fun. Im not the best at it either. I enjoy it and its good exercise but I cant keep up with the pros!! haha :)
Christmas: We have a ton of family to visit on Christmas so we did our little thing together in the morning and then to Dryw's Parents, his Uncles, my Moms, and then back to his parents. Such a long day but so much fun to see all of the relatives. Since it was 5 months ago I will move on...but we had a great Christmas.
New Years: My little brother and his friend were here again for New Years and we chaperoned the Youth Dance...we love doing it. Our Young Men and women are so much fun. I can't help but dance when I get in there...I still feel so young and I love dancing and even if I try to stand still I cant help but move to the beat...its the weirdest thing!! haha...Dryw just laughs at me!
Valentines Day: Valetines Day happens to also be my Grandpa's birthday. So Dryw and I took a few days and went to visit him in St. George and Amber, Justin, and Jasper went as well. We had fun. We talked and played games, went to the St. George Temple and Jasper had fun flying (picture included), found some rocks to climb--Jasper had a blast, ate some amazing food (grandma is a GREAT cook), and Dryw and I snowboarded our last day there. Had a good time...weather was nice and we got to see our grandparents.
Birthday: My birthday fell on a Wednesday this year. I work during the week and I have never been the type of person who needs recognition for their birthday and I never take the day off but this year we decided that since my little sis works at Disneyland and Amber has a pass, that we would all go. We went the Tuesday before because Dryw has Tuesday's off and we had so much fun. I seriously love Disneyland... :)
Random Events: We went to Supercross in January (a tradition for Dryw and I) and we also went to Monster Trucks with the family...I absolutely love these two events. The only thing I cant stand are the girls who try so hard...I just dont get it. Most guys will tell you that make up caked on so thick is a huge turn off--so I dont get why girls think its cute?? I am so glad my mom would tell me if I ever looked ridiculous (not like I ever did ;))...but I dont know how some of these girls think they look so good when they in fact really dont!!! And as a girl, if one of my girlfriends looked hideous, I would say something... Girls these days-- (Thanks for letting me vent!! hehe)
This pretty much sums up what has been going on with us...I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my niece, Little Ansley Jackman...I keep looking up ways that Amber can go into labor sooner...none have worked so far!! haha... So here are a few pictures. Enjoy... (Oh and I dont usually spell check so I am sorry if some things are mis-spelled.)
Oh and the pictures are out of order because Im too lazy to put them in order...sorry!! My next posts will be better! :)
Mountain biking with Bennet and Michelle...they are animals!!!
The aftermath of my accident...not pretty. Still have the gnarly scar.
Oh yeah...Carey Heart. I really just love his wife Pink haha
Dryw's hillbilly look for Monster Trucks...he is so darn cute--i'm a lucky girl!!! :)